Sunday, January 8, 2023

How to Say Goodbye


When you walk away, 

when the sun sets

upon your turning back 

and your hand blocks 

the moon from shining light 

into what we were, don't say goodbye 

before you go; don't let the words spill 

like tears that land carelessly 

upon barren ground that had never 

been yours to tread upon;

don't touch my weeping face 

as it crumbles between the furtive 

fingers that had once held it together; 

don't hold me in the slippery embrace 

of your passions, an hourglass

that keeps me trapped 

in an ampoule of endless grieving; 

don't turn around while I drown

in a mound of salt that keeps my raw pain 

from rotting and only adds flavor 

to the sorrow of letting you go.

Just walk away.



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